
The Good News from St. Timothy’s

St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church in Massillon, OH, just completed (as shared above) a very successful Capital Campaign, thanks to Evans/Davis Fundraising Counsel. We set a fairly ambitious goal for our small parish, to do necessary repairs and upgrades, and with Michael’s help, we exceeded that goal.  With their guidance from start to finish, we felt supported and encouraged, rather than intimidated and afraid.  We have nothing but good things to say about Evans/Davis, and would recommend their firm to others looking for help with fundraising.

The Rev. George Baum


All Saints’ Episcopal

All Saints’ Episcopal Church contracted with Evans/Davis Fundraising Counsel in 2016 to lead the parish in a Program to envision our best future over the next five to ten years.  There was very high participation among parishioners  – and the data we collected provided our Vision Committee with much to consider!  Michael Davis led the Committee through a process that highlighted our values and encouraged us to prioritize and craft budget estimates for the discerned opportunities.

“The process we engaged with Evans/Davis set a course for living forward in faith to witness to God’s unique call to this resilient community of faith.” – The Rev. Stephen Cuff


St. Matthew’s Episcopal

We recently received this very thoughtful endorsement.

Dear Michael,

“I enjoyed our visit by phone and want to provide a brief re-cap of progress at St. Matthews Church, Charleston, WV since the time we worked together on an Evans/Davis project.

I am serving as Senior Warden, a role I also held about five years back. I am glad to say our situation is stable and we are growing. Our ASA is trending up and our finances have markedly improved. Last year we raised $180k with a one-letter appeal and we used that money to replace our aging, leaking roof and put down a new floor in our main church building. This year we have under construction a new kitchenette and bathrooms to improve the accessibility and usefulness of the main church building. Money has also come in well to assist us in paying for this capital improvement. We are also replacing aged and broken sidewalks and are repaving and adding to our parking lots. The total for improvements, additions and repairs in the last two years approaches a half million dollars.

Working with you began the process to help us spring forward. The identification of needs and the cohesive interest that developed and the confidence to move ahead are, at least partly, attributable to working with Evans-Davis. It is my pleasure to have worked with you and I am happy to receive inquiries or phone calls related to how you helped us visualize our needs and recognize the ability and have the confidence to move forward. Please feel free to share my thoughts and you are welcome to have interested parties contact me.”

My best to you,

Steve Roberts

We thank Steve for the endorsement and suggest you contact him at 304-342-1115 or email him at sroberts@wvchamber.com

St. Paul’s Episcopal

As a member of the leadership team of an Episcopal church it is sometimes worse than trying to herd cats to get a Vestry, Clergy and other church members on the same page in regards to a capital campaign.

When we at St. Paul’s Episcopal in Medina, Oh were finally forced to face a series of crumbling building issues (10+ years of water buckets, ice dam destruction, etc.) we knew we needed help. We turned to Evans/Davis for support, here are the key benefits that they brought to our needs:

  • Experience and perspective, they kept us rational through some pretty emotional discussions and decision processes.
  • The vision and planning process has been impactful well beyond the capital campaign, the process output continues to guide our thinking and behavior.
  • Masterful ability to meet with members and garner honest feedback around financial contribution and church leadership.
  • Results, we ended up raising almost exactly what the Evans/Davis process and team said we would.
Our capital project is complete, it is enjoyed by all and serves as physical evidence of God’s blessing upon us and it only took 4 years from start to finish.
Steve Rucinski, 330-958-4867, feel free to contact me if I can help you with your church’s decision process.

First Lutheran Church

My name is Martin Mock, Senior Pastor, at First Lutheran Church in Williston, ND.  I am a native buckeye – born and raised in Toledo.   

We started our campaign in August of 2007, and finished the active solicitation in February of 2008, celebrating the attainment of our 1.3 million goals, in pledges and cash in hand.  So far, we are receiving the pledges people promised to us and expect that over the next 5 years, we will receive more than what was pledged. 

Overall, we were more than satisfied in having them come and help us with our capital campaign.  We were very happy with our consultant, the on-site staff of Evans/Davis for twelve weeks.  He was very professional and related extremely well with the folks here.  I consider him a friend and brother in Christ.  I was proud to have him here as one of my staff and I missed him when he let us.  At times, my laity leadership felt a bit pressured because he gently poked and prodded them to task when they were not focusing on the project, of which I was relieved, because they needed the push.  As for me, the frontend work to get the program up and running was quite much, but, it was far better than having to do it ALL myself.  The templates the Evans/Davis consultant furnished was very helpful.   

Evans/Davis Fund-raising Counsel knows how to raise money for the work of God’s Mission and Vision for the Christ’s Church.

If you have any questions, call or email me.  I’ll be glad to answer them. 


Martin Mock
