Sean Rowe is the Bishop of the Diocese of Northwestern PA and Bishop Provisional of the Diocese of Bethlehem. He recently made a provocative statement during a discussion hosted by the TREC Task Force of the Episcopal Church: Bishop Rowe said, simply and bluntly:

“The Episcopal Church is over-led and under-managed.”

VisionOriginally I scoffed at that comment (if anything, I thought we were under-led and micro-managed), but I have come to repent of that assessment.  My assessment today is that both effective trained leadership and effective trained management – working together – are needed in the church more than ever.

Since Bishop Sean made his remark, lots of people both inside and outside the church have responded to his provocative statement.  Most of those responses are far more insightful than anything I can offer here. I am, however, going to reflect on how Bishop Rowe’s statement relates to vision casting and fund raising, and the role of both leadership and management ministries in the church to successfully carry out vision and fund raising efforts.

I summarize my thoughts on Vision and Implementation as follows:

1)      It is the task of the Leadership team of a congregation/Diocese to cast a passionate, compelling and understandable Vision and to broadly outline what resources (time, talent, treasure) will needed to accomplish that vision.

2)      It is the task of a Management team (either already in place or assembled for the task) to first understand the vision as articulated, and then to solicit the necessary resources ( gifts of time, talent and treasure) needed to implement the articulated vision. The Management team that carries out these tasks is usually designated as a Fund-Raising or Resource-Raising Team.

Here’s a bit more detail:

In order for the vision to become a reality, the Leadership team must articulate the vision in such a way that it will be clearly understood and embraced by those who will be asked to commit their own resources to the implementation of the vision. The Management (Fund-Raising) team will in turn coordinate the solicitation of those resources that will be applied to making the vision a reality. In many cases, a given individual may find themselves serving on both the Leadership and the Fund-Raising teams.

In a successful endeavor, both the Leadership team and the Management (Fund-Raising or Resource-Raising) team must be equipped with the skill sets needed to accomplish their part in making the vision a reality.

This development of skill sets is where vision and fund-raising counsel (such as Evans/Davis) proves invaluable.

First, when the Leadership team develops a vision, it is always wise to ask if that vision is understandable to anyone who may be called upon to provide the resources needed. Too often, that articulated vision is only comprehensible and compelling to the Leadership team! Helping the Leadership team to form, articulate and communicate a compelling vision is part of our mission at Evans/Davis. Are the resources needed too much or too little to implement the vision? What is the potential within the circle of donors to achieve the acquisition of those resources, and under what time frame? Again, Evans/Davis has the skills necessary to provide guidance for answering those questions.

Secondly, there is a specific set of skills that are required by the Management (Fund-Raising) team to successfully solicit the resources needed. Does the Fund-Raising team have the necessary skill set, or do they need to be trained in the skills needed? I can’t emphasize this enough: if the team responsible for successfully soliciting the resources does not have the skill set needed, this critical aspect of the vision implementation will fail. The skill set necessary to conduct a successful fund-raising campaign is a skill set that Evans/Davis is able to share with our clients.

Again, I’m trying to be brief here, and I will have much more to say in future newsletters, but in summary, a successful Vision and Fund-Raising effort in our congregations involves the Leadership team clearly articulating a compelling vision and describing the resources needed to turn that vision into a reality. The solicitation of the resources needed to bring that vision to a reality is carried out by a Management (Fund-Raising) team that has been trained to clearly communicate that compelling vision to others and to successfully solicit and gather those resources. These are not skill sets learned in seminaries or in the business lives of most people, but they are skill sets that can be taught to those who wish to acquire them. Evans/Davis stands ready to help your congregation acquire these skill sets and provide overall direction, leadership and management to turn your vision into reality.

Rev. David Bailey

Evans/Davis to meet with the Bishop of the Diocese of Springfield, IL

Just before Thanksgiving, the firm will be meeting with Bishop Dan Martins, of the Episcopal Diocese of Springfield, to discuss professional services. Evans/Davis will be recommending and discussing a number of services that includes vision planning for Diocesan churches as well as growing their current endowment.

The mission of Evans/Davis is to assist both churches and dioceses in setting hearts on fire for Christ. It is hoped that the firm will becoming active in the Diocese of Springfield in the months ahead.

St. Margaret’s to Begin Vision Planning/Study

St. Margaret's Trotwood OHWe will be meeting with St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church in Trotwood, Ohio this month to finalize plans to develop a long-range vision plan and conduct a feasibility study in preparation for a capital campaign sometime in 2015.

The parish has several areas that need to be addressed. Through a vision planning process, the church leadership will discern God’s call for their future and determine if a capital campaign, to cover the costs associated with these needs, is feasible. If it is a “go,” a capital campaign will be used as funding for these needs.

We are Scheduling Stewardship and Visioning Workshops

workshopsAs in past years, Evans/Davis will provide stewardship/visioning workshops to Dioceses, Conferences and other regional associations in late winter and spring next year. The firm does not charge for this service so it is recommended that, if you wish to provide churches/missions in your Diocese with such a workshop, you contact our office before the end of the year. Every effort will be made to work within your calendar.

It is our mission to assist you in setting hearts on fire for Christ. Please let us know how we can help.

St. Mark’s Reaches Campaign Goal

St MarksThese are joyous times at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Erie, PA. On all Saints Sunday, the church celebrated the announcement that their capital campaign had reached its mark of $600,000! With a successful capital campaign, the church leadership can now begin the process of renovations and improvements to their parish hall and front entrance area.

Evans/Davis was honored to guide St. Mark’s through the planning and implementation of their capital campaign. With guidance from the Holy Spirit, St. Mark’s will continue to shine as a beacon for God’s message and ministries in the greater Erie, PA, area.

Turbocharging Needed – Bishop Daniel Martins

SpringfiledHere is a partial quote from a recent presentation given by Bishop Daniel Martins of the Diocese of Springfield.

“So, we’re doing some good things, I think. We’re pointed in the right direction. But here’s the problem: It’s not happening fast enough. Even though we’re headed in the right direction, if we don’t pick up the tempo, and pick it up pretty drastically, we’re going to be overtaken by two tidal waves—one a demographic tidal wave, because our median age keeps getting older and older, and the other a cultural tidal wave, because the days when Christianity enjoys any sort of privileged position in our society are fading into memory very, very quickly, almost as we speak. We need a steroid shot. We need to turbo-charge our efforts.

Current Capital Campaign Project Updates

Update GraphicSt. Mark’s Episcopal Church – Erie, PA

They are closing in on their campaign objective. A discernment committee of the church determined a long-range plan that called for improvements to the parish hall and remodeling of their front entrance. As of this writing, nearly $550,000 of the $600,000 objective has been pledged! They should reach their goal soon!

St. John’s Episcopal Church – Franklin, PA

They have just completed their kickoff brunch. Their long-range plans include church and rectory renovations as well as installation of an elevator. Currently, the campaign has raised approximately $80,000 of its $200,000 objective and will continue solicitations through Thanksgiving.

Where There is No Vision the People Perish…

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. (Proverbs 29:18, KJV)
VisionOver the last week, Michael Davis and I have had some fascinating and illuminating discussions about dreams, visions and passion. I’d like to (briefly!) summarize what I have learned from those discussions.

There is a fundamental difference between a dream and a vision. Quoting from the iconic movie Cinderella “A dream is a wish your heart makes”. Dreams are wonderful, but they may last only through the evening, or for a few days, or even for a lifetime. As long as we don’t commit resources to our dreams, they will remain forever within our hopes and desires . . . and our heads. However, when a dream becomes fueled by the passion that moves us from an internal focus to an external focus, that dream will become a vision, a vision where we are eager to sacrifice time, talent and treasure in order to make that vision a reality.

What is the source of the passion that allows us to sacrificially work on a vision? More specifically, what is the source of the passion that allows us to work on a vision that will give glory to God? That passion comes from God, and is the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in our churches. When our individual passions and our community’s passions align with the passion and mission of God (look to Matt. 22:37-40 and Matt. 28:18-20 for succinct descriptions of that mission), the Holy Spirit will empower us to be carried out into the world with a power far beyond anything that we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20-21).

It is helping others discover the vision and passion that God has placed into the lives of individual Christians and Church communities that has me excited to be working with Evans/Davis. How do we align those visions with the vision that God has for our church? How do we discover the passion that God gives us so that we will eagerly sacrifice time, talent and treasure in order to make that vision a reality? How do we set hearts on fire for Christ? That is what Evans/Davis is committed to, and it is clearly my commitment as well.
David Bailey+


Let’s Talk About Growing Your Church

Grow My ChurchDoes Your Church Have Any of These Issues?

  • Membership and attendance have been on a decline for some time
  • You have tried multiple strategies and tactics to stem the decline and spur growth
  • Membership decline is putting your programs (Christian education, etc.) at risk
  • Membership decline is challenging your financial and operational viability

If so then you might want to consider the Grow My Church program.

Evans/Davis is Expanding Staff!

Help Wanted315-304Due to the growth of the firm, Evans/Davis is looking to bring both part-time and full-time individuals, willing to assist both local churches and regional associations, with long range vision planning as well as preparation for major fund-raising programs.

If you feel the call to help churches in setting hearts on fire for Christ, please contact us. We would love to talk with you.