Does your Church have a “Green Light?”


Many churches have difficulty beginning new ministries or enhancing current ministries because the congregation doesn’t have the necessary tools to launch, maintain and enhance such ministries. One major tool for such ministries is the church facilities themselves. If the facilities are not adequate for potential ministries, it becomes very difficult if not impossible to begin or enhance such ministries. For instance, the facilities may not be accessible for those who are physically challenged or the buildings have not been upgraded for modern communications. Perhaps there are parts of the church plant that have been “grandfathered” under the building codes, but will need to be brought up to code when a new ministry begins. Other church facilities may simply have renovations and repairs that, due to tight budgets, have not been addressed for many years.

Evans/Davis, working with an architectural firm, has included inspection of your churches facilities as part of its Vision Planning Program. This architectural firm will provide you with a color code to let you know how accessible your physical plant is in the conduct of daily church life. “Green” means you are full-go and little to nothing is needed. “Yellow” is cautionary suggesting that your current church ministries and other activities may be impeded or slowed due to the barriers in your facilities that will require some restorations or enhancements. “Red” means that most church ministries and other aspects of church life are in jeopardy as the physical plant is virtually unusable and work to it is drastically needed!

Again, this service is provided in our Vision Planning Program as part of this long-range planning exercise. Please contact us for more detail on the program.