Value of Personal Visitations

solicitationPersonal Visitations of individual church members/couples to other church members help to strengthen your church’s ministry. The reality is that most individuals/couple enjoy personal visitations among each other. Often, it is the only time when families can visit other families outside of Sunday worship. Gathering with fellow members is the best vehicle to share the “vision” for ministries and the mission of the church.

Personal visitation, especially through a capital campaign, also develops new leaders and strengthens the church’s volunteer base. The story of the church and its long range plan can be told so that a sufficient amount of dollars can be raised to make the vision a reality.

We advise churches that if structured properly, personal visitations are a very powerful ministry and can be continue long after a capital campaign is over.

Ashland Child Development Center Begins Capital Campaign Preparation

ACDC SnipAshland Childhood Development Center (ACDC), Ashland, KY, has begun the preparation for launching a capital campaign this fall. ACDC, with assistance from Evans/Davis, has drafted a campaign brochure, formed a campaign committee and begun the process of soliciting possible major gift donors.

The plan is to complete major gifts solicitations, as much as possible, over the summer. In that way, a campaign kick-off can be held early in the fall this year. The initial objective is $350,000.

Are You Ready for a Campaign?

This article contributed by Al Boren.

RUReadyAre you among the many smaller community and faith based organizations with heartfelt needs that can be met with capital funding projects IF you can only raise the money?  Well established cornerstones of successful capital/project campaign development such as a sound strategic plan, board leadership, stakeholder involvement, business sustainability, and compatible donor prospects are not always in place, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be successful!

In my experience, the best investment an organization can make for a major funding campaign readiness in today’s challenging environment is to develop a thorough vision plan as a well as executing a fund raising feasibility/assessment study. It may not produce what you want to hear, but what you need to know.    

The first step is for the organization to work with reputable fund-raising counsel to assist in discerning the vision plan, assess the findings, and undertake the necessary steps for ensuring campaign readiness. Essentials of a quality assessment/study will highlight strengths and weaknesses in the case, timing for philanthropic participation, perception of the organization, commitment of key leaders, plan for sustainability and the reception of top donor prospects.

Passion is a major driver of nearly all visions.  And, when supported by time-proven prerequisites for successful campaigns, your organization will achieve its vision at some level.


Al Boren is a development professional that has conducted numerous capital campaigns and feasibility studies with a successful career in the management of not for profit organizations.

St. Mark’s Begins Construction


imageSt. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Erie, PA, has begun construction of an enhanced and expanded parish hall. Evans/Davis conducted a successful capital campaign for the church in 2014. Additional work will be coming in the near future.

Vision Planning for Your Church

VisionEvans/Davis was recently asked how long it should take to develop a long-range vision plan. Obviously, it depends on the church and the schedule they wish to develop. Most often, a plan can be developed inside of six months.

Be aware that a number of organizations and firms may suggest nearly a year to a year and a half to develop a long-range plan. We feel that timing much over a half of a year is too long and will tire volunteers and delay beginning the plan’s implementation.

Evans/Davis has developed a Vision Planning Program that is both cost effective and efficient and is designed to enhance both numerical and spiritual growth. And, above all else, it is centered on further developing both ministry and mission …not just the use of the building and grounds.

It is our mission to assist churches in setting hearts on fire for Christ. We want to help you with both numerical and spiritual growth. Please contact us to learn more. We will be happy to meet with you to discuss our services and make recommendations for next steps in the planning process.

Firm in the Process of Scheduling Workshops

workshopsAs in past years, Evans/Davis will provide stewardship/visioning workshops to Dioceses, Synods, Conferences and other regional associations in late winter and spring this year. The firm does not charge for this service so it is recommended that, if you wish to provide churches/missions in your regional association with such a workshop, you contact our office soon. Every effort will be made to work within your calendar.

It is our mission to assist you in setting hearts on fire for Christ. Please let us know how we can help.

Ashland Child Development Completes Feasibility Study

acdAshland Childhood Development Center (ACDC), Ashland, KY, has recently completed a study to determine if a capital campaign for them is feasible. ACDC, with assistance from Evans/Davis, has developed a list of needs and prioritizes. After conducting a number of interviews with potential donors and community leaders, the firm has drafted a study report. It was presented to their leadership that suggests that a capital campaign is feasible.  ACDC will begin their capital campaign this winter that should be will be completed in spring of this year. The initial objective is $350,000.

All Saints Episcopal Church Completes Long Range Vision Plan

All_Saints_Episcopal_Church_in_PortsmouthAll Saints Episcopal Church in Portsmouth, OH, with the assistance from Evans/Davis, has recently completed a long-range vision plan. Their envisioned future will require some much-needed dollars to make the plan a reality.

The church leadership will decide on how best to fund the long-range vision plan in the near future.

Easter Time

happy-easter-jesus-is-risen-3As we enter the Easter season it is a time for joy and optimism for the future. The days are getting longer and brighter and, for many churches and other not-for-profits, it is time for long-term planning. This is a good time to review ministries, services and programs with an eye toward long-range growth and development.

Evans/Davis has a vision planning program for churches that is cost efficient and enhances both numerical as well as spiritual growth. Not-for-profits can also benefit with our Vision Planning Program as they develop a long-range strategic plan for improved and enhanced programs and services.

We suggest, as you look at your future during this uplifting time you contact us so that we can assist you in developing a plan for your future.

Ohio River Clients Begin Work

all saints portsmouthEvans/Davis is honored to be working with All Saints Episcopal Church, in Portsmouth, Ohio, to assist them in discerning God’s call for their future. Their Vision Planning Program will be conducted this spring and summer, which will allow them to make decisions on funding their vision in the near future.

The firm is scheduled to meet with Ashland Childhood Development and will be scheduling a meeting with Calvary Episcopal Church, Ashland, KY and Christ Episcopal Church in Ironton, Ohio, to discuss beginning discernment and long-range planning. They all need to develop their list of needs and costs so that an assessment can be conducted with a fund-raising program in the near future.

We look forward to working with all of these Ohio River projects and aiding them in growth and development.